Serving as an InterGroup Representative offers you a rewarding opportunity to share in Alcoholics Anonymous’ Third Legacy – Service.
The Role of an InterGroup Representative
The purpose of the InterGroup rep is to be a link in the chain connecting the individual member of an AA group to those who are elected to maintain the operation of InterGroup. This allows InterGroup to better serve its members – which is the reason for its existence as provided for in the 9th Tradition which says, “AA, as such ought never be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.”
How it Works
The InterGroup Representative is elected by his or her group. (Meetings, by definition, do not have group reps). Reps attend the monthly InterGroup meeting held once a month on the 1st Wednesday of the month. To this meeting they bring any suggestions, comments, or opinions their group may have. Each individual group determines the qualifications and period of service for its InterGroup representative.
Each group representative attending has one vote. Attendance at InterGroup meetings is highly important since every group registered with InterGroup has a voice in reviewing the activities of all the committees and approving all actions taken.
How to become a better trusted servant of your group and of AA as a whole
Attend NDIAA InterGroup Meeting Regularly
These monthly business meetings are open to any member. You can better serve the members of your group and fellow reps by being an observer at as many meetings as possible. Even if you have no vote, you have a right to voice your opinion.
Inform Your Group Members
Review minutes at each meeting to keep members informed about what is happening within AA as a whole, across New Castle County and all over the state.
Know the ByLaws
Through the InterGroup office those groups with an active representative are involved in keeping the AA program healthy and active. Operations continue under a set of guidelines. By your study of these bylaws, you can help to keep all methods up-to-date.
Know the AA Literature
You will be better able to serve your group, to answer questions, and to make recommendations if you are familiar with the contents of most, if not all, of the pamphlets now available. In other words, do your “homework” on AA.
Sign Up Volunteers
Since your responsibility as an InterGroup representative brings you face-toface with AA’s overall activities, you can take on the task of recruiting members of your group to assist in our mission of “carrying the message.”
Activities that we utilize to “pass it on” include:
- going out on Twelve Step calls,
- answering the “HotLine”,
- representing AA as a speaker in schools or at other non-AA meetings, or
- serving on committees for any of InterGroup’s events.
All of these ventures require much assistance.
Help Keep AA Effective & Self-Supporting
One of the most important ways an InterGroup representative can serve is to encourage his/her group to be consistent in making contributions to the operation of the Northern Delaware InterGroup office, as well as the area and the General Service Office. It is difficult for the Steering Committee to keep the office running smoothly when the money comes in sporadically. Peaks and valleys in contribution totals work against efficiency in carrying the message. Keep members aware, on every level, that AA is self-supporting through our own contributions.
Keep Your Group Up-To-Date
Make sure the details of your group’s meetings, (days, times, locations, etc.) are accurate and correct at the office at all times.
Encourage members of your group to become avid readers of our newsletter. Periodically provide the office with news of your group and any other articles of interest to all AAs for publication in our monthly newsletter. Stimulate individuals in your group to write about their experiences with the AA program for publication in the newsletter.
Ask Questions
Sometimes the pressures of time and our zeal to get things done expeditiously cause us to move through things too quickly. If you don’t get answers to things your group members want to know about, it is your privilege to ask questions and be heard. Problems in a group, as they pertain to AA as a whole, are your concern also. You can help to see that over-all policy (ie. the 12 Traditions & the 12 Concepts) is adhered to in your group. You can be a solver of problems, small or large. Alcoholics Anonymous is now making the greatest strides in its history in membership growth, service to the community and the respect of professionals and the public. Each and every group representative has a vital role to play in this process.